1987 Contract initiated with State Florida to maintain a Rest Area on I-95.
ARC St. Johns received ARC of the Year Award from ARC of Florida.
Renovation of Pomar House began with a special appropriation from the Florida Legislature.
1988 A grant from the Tournament Players Championship provided funds for opening of a new group home called the TPC House.
The Florida Legislature provided an appropriation for the planning and partial funding for the construction of the new administration and training facility called ITEC.
1989 The Florida Legislature provided an appropriation of funds to complete construction of ITEC.
Agency of the Year Award was presented from District IV, Developmental Services, HRS.
1990 The new ITEC and administrative offices opens at 2101 ARC Drive.
Award of $10,000 received from UPS.
The first married participants (and their baby) moved into their own apartment, marking the beginning of the Supported Living Program.
1991 Long-term contractual agreement initiated with Vocation Rehabilitation (VR) for Supported Employment Services.
Developmental Services provided contract to officially begin Supported Living Program with six participants.
1992 Pomar House downsized to 9 residents.
Williams-Young House opened at 10 Sunrise Boulevard.
The first three-year accreditation from the State Commission of Accreditation of Rehabilitate Facilities (CARF) achieved. (renewed 1995, 1998)