Florida has one of the lowest funding formulas for services to persons with developmental disabilities in the Unites States. It is important that you carefully consider your options prior to deciding to move to our state.
If you live elsewhere and are receiving Medicaid Waiver services, your waiver services will NOT transfer to Florida. You will still be eligible for Medicaid State Plan services after establishing residency in Florida, but waiver services do not transfer from state to state.
If you decide to move here anyway, you should know that we currently have over 19,000 individuals on a list already waiting to receive wavier services. You will not be placed in line in front of these other individuals, so it would be best to consider what services you currently have in place and decide if you can do without them if you come to Florida.
If you decide to move anyway, you will have to take time, about six months to establish residency before you can apply to get on a waiting list for services. At a minimum, it will most likely be seven years before services would begin.
The following link http://apd.myflorida.com/region/ will take you to the website for The Agency for Persons with Disabilities. You should find the name and number of the individual for the area of the state where you wish to move in order to apply for the waiting list.